
The alphabet killer victims
The alphabet killer victims

the alphabet killer victims

Two years later, Megan is just starting to get back on her feet after receiving extensive treatment for what her doctors diagnosed as adult-onset schizophrenia. When Megan's captain takes her off of the case the strain finally becomes too much to bear, and, while begging for the forgiveness of the decaying young girl standing above her, Megan slashes her wrists. she can hear the young girl's voice whispering to her, and at times can even see her ghostly figure standing before her, pleading for help. As the weeks go by with no new leads, Detective Paige begins to notice strange things. She grows so obsessed with the case that her fiance, another Rochester detective named Kenneth Shine (Cary Elwes), begins to worry for her health.


The facts that the killer redressed the victim after killing her, that several witnesses saw the girl getting into an unidentified vehicle of her own volition, and the strange "coincidence" that the initials of the girls name (C.C.) are the same as that of the town her body was dumped in all lead the young detective to believe that the crime is the work of a serial killer.įacing opposition from her colleagues and superiors, Megan spends nearly every waking moment trying to find the connections that will prove her theory and uncover the identity of the killer. And now, it is those small details that tell her this attack was anything but random. Owing to her ability to focus obsessively on all of the minute details of the cases she works, Paige has built up an impressive track record of convictions in the past. Detective Megan Paige ( Eliza Dushku) of the Rochester Police Department, however, has a different idea. Having been brutally raped and strangled to death, many of the police investigating the case believe her to be the victim of a disorganized killer who struck out in a fit of rage. In the woods near Churchville, New York, the body of a young girl named Carla Castillo is discovered. When Added Alliterative Appeal meets Darker and Edgier PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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    The alphabet killer victims